Why I Chose Wayspring: A Provider’s Journey to Whole-Person Care

My Journey to Whole-Person Care

Written by: Cory Slusher, a Wayspring Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

From an early age, I knew I was a caregiver. My healthcare journey began at 18 when I took my first job as a nurse’s aide and fell in love with emergency care. At 21, I became a registered nurse and spent 16 years in the emergency room, mentored by amazing healthcare professionals.  

In a roundabout way, stigma itself inspired me to become a provider. I was consistently confused and appalled by the systematic stigma around mental health and addiction. Working as an ER nurse during the opioid epidemic was both devastating and inspiring. I felt called to become the provider these patients and their families deserved, someone who could offer the time, connection, and integrative care they needed.  

I was quickly discouraged when I realized that a typical day in previous roles felt similar to emergency care in terms of lack of time, lack of space for genuine ongoing connection in the therapeutic relationship, and a real lack of integrative care. It was difficult to see that patients wanted, needed, and deserved more time than was allotted in my schedule of 20-25 patients per day.  

Feeling defeated, I searched for a new opportunity and found Wayspring. From my first interaction, it felt different—energized and passionate. There are no words to describe how closely the Wayspring mission aligns with my personal and professional values.  

Choosing Whole-Person Care at Wayspring  

Wayspring’s approach to healthcare stood out to me immediately. Coming from a fee-for-service background, transitioning to a value-based care setting that prioritizes overall health and well-being was a refreshing change. My mission is to improve access to safe, whole-person, intuitive care through advocacy for patients who struggle to be heard and respected. Wayspring’s dedication to the underserved populations in our communities speaks for itself. The model offers a fresh, common-sense approach to recovery that encourages genuine connection, advocacy, and working to get to the root of any barriers as a collaborative team.  

A typical day at Wayspring involves meeting patients where they are in their recovery journey. The support for providers through education on best practices and emerging research is unparalleled. I collaborate daily with medical teams, therapists, and peer support specialists, which is invaluable. The value of this level of multidisciplinary collaboration is unmatched in other settings.  

Professional Growth and Work-Life Balance  

Since joining Wayspring, my professional growth has accelerated, and my work-life balance has improved significantly. The level of overall support and emphasis on a team approach is wonderful. I rest easy knowing that our team supports my patients between visits through social determinants of health and peer support. Additionally, Wayspring emphasizes self-care and care for their employees in a way I have not experienced before. We recognize that healthy, fulfilled providers are the most impactful providers.  

To any healthcare professional considering a position at Wayspring, I would say this: If you are looking for a place to practice with empowerment and passion towards a collective mission, Wayspring is the place for you. I am inspired by my colleagues at Wayspring every day. The future of healthcare is rooted in value-based care, and Wayspring is a leader and powerful change agent in that space. If you are craving a platform to practice from a place of empowerment and passion toward a collective mission, Wayspring is that place.   

Looking back, I am incredibly grateful for my decision to join Wayspring. It has provided me with a sense of fulfillment and the opportunity to be part of something truly transformative in healthcare. If I had to choose one word to define how I feel about my decision to join Wayspring, that word would be grateful. I am grateful that I had the sense and courage to say, “Yes! This is something I need to be a part of.”   


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